Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister


Starter en tråd om BERGEN GROUP ASA (BERGEN.OL) siden en del har den i favoritt-listen eller i porteføljen sin :slight_smile:

Bergen Group ASA, together with its subsidiaries, provides products, services, and solutions in Norway and the Norwegian Continental Shelf. It provides various services, including welding technical prefabrication and maintenance services within steel structures, plates, and piping systems, as well as machining components of offshore, subsea, ship, and land-based industries; ship maintenance and service within hulls, welding, structure, pipes, and machinery, as well as maintenance and repair of diesel engines; and project management, maintenance, and modification/outfitting of vessels for defense industry.

The company was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Straume, Norway.

La oss starte diskusjonen! @Kapa @GHANSEN @Gruk @Marjaco @apett @Vaggen @CitizenX @greyboss @Trysil @Petter1 @Janisak @Camen @Chiroman @gainz09 @kunta @Kel @pdx

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Endúr (tidl. Bergen Group) (ENDUR)