Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Targovax (TRVX) Småprat

Se side 22. Alle mål som er nådd er endre fra hvit til grønn. Oncos-102 som er utsatt til neste år er lysegrønn da vi har fått info om sikkerhet.

Ps, håper mor har lært deg å ikke spise den gule snøen :wink:

Edit: chrysler mener at de burde hvert hvite da disse er flyttet til neste år. Men det korrekte er lysegrønn da vi har fått info om safety :grinning:


det er nok sant ja :slight_smile:

Mente ikke noe , bare korrigerte deg da du skrev fra grønn til lysegrønn , for de gikk jo fra hvitt til lysegrønn :stuck_out_tongue: haha

Uansett så har du nok rett ang safety ja, tenkte ikke så langt med en gang jeg !

spennende blir det , og jeg har stor tro på en meget fin opptur de neste mnd :smiley:

Hehe, ja jeg tok den. Gikk litt fort her, men du har helt rett i at det var hvit jeg mente. Er noe dritt å jobbe på liten iPad skjerm.

Vil anta at det er derfor man har endret til lysegrønn. Safety er der viktigste nå og selv om jeg er spent på TG02 nå så er jeg også inneforstått med at tallene kan være gode, dårlige eller nevermind :joy:

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Ok, sorry kids. Da har far brukt sine siste grunker på noen flere Targo-aksjer. Julegavene er dermed utsatt et par - tre år. Dere vil tilgi meg i 2020! :heart_eyes:


Satser på at de tilgir deg når dere feirer jul i det Targovax-finansierte feriehuset i Syden da! :smiley: :sweat_smile::+1:


I dag er det bare to handler på 320 aksjer som har blitt solgt nedover i kurs, mens 17.80 ble tømt for 11k aksjer, så får vi se hvordan det går med de 37k aksjene som ligger på 17,90-18,00. Folk vil ha aksjer da, det er fint :slight_smile:


God morgen :money_mouth_face:



Deilig! Noen tanker om hva vi kan forvente av kursutvikling videre nå? Jeg tenker at dette resultatet egentlig har vært litt forhåndsforventet og at vi mulig kan se litt sell on news. Håper vi omsider kan få litt volum i akjsen igjen nå :money_mouth_face:

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Veldig hyggelig start på uken at safety for TG02 også er på plass. Mannen har ment at det kun er Oncos plattformen som er verdt noe. Deler ikke det synet og tenker at dagens melding vil gjøre Trvx mer interessant!

Vi har i det siste fått gode tilbakemeldinger på safety for TG02 og oncos-102 sammen med forlenget patent uten at dette har slått ut noe særlig i kursen. Top20 får øke i fred og ro uten å påvirke kursen.

Hvilken vei kursen tar på OSE aner jeg ikke. Men om det blir sell on news så vil nok andre bli veldig glad for det.




Sell on news :joy: den er jo på bånn, det var jo dette vi alle håpet på, hvis ikke dette er BULL så vet ikke jeg. TG02 platformen er super viktig :gem::santa:

Magnus Jäderberg, Chief Medical Officer of Targovax said: “This is the first time TG02 has been administered to patients, and we are very pleased that there were no issues reported in this initial safety review. The early clinical data is also encouraging, indicating immune activation in vaccinated patients in a manner that is consistent with the drugs postulated mechanism of action. We are now eager to initiate the combination trial with KEYTRUDA®, and we are hopeful that PD-1 blockade might boost the effect of TG02 vaccination.”


Det er lovende dette her, immunaktivering mot RAS-mutasjonen er en hellig gral og kombinasjonen med PD-1 hemmere gjør dette til en potensiell pengeku. Det er garantert mange store pharma selskaper som kommer til å følge de videre resultatene til Targovax. Med det sagt vil jeg anta at det er begrenset hvor mye kursen kan gå med så begrenset informasjon og ingen data. Det er ikke helt klart for de store pengene enda, men det kommer nok inn noen med høy risikovilje fordi oppsiden er gigantisk.


ONCOS-102 Passes Safety Evaluation in Phase I Clinical Trials, Phase II Clinical Trial Recommended

A new immunotherapy developed by Targovax has recently passed Phase I clinical trials and is set to begin Phase II evaluation of this new treatment that may help those suffering from mesothelioma. ONCOS-102 was used in separate Phase I clinical trials; one in combination with chemotherapy, and one with immunotherapy.

Cisplatin and pemetrexed are two first-line chemotherapy treatments for those suffering from mesothelioma. When ONCOS-102 was combined with these two treatments, it was found to be well-tolerated and passed initial safety reviews. KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) is a relatively knew immunotherapy treatment that was approved earlier this year by the FDA after Phase III clinical trials showed an overall survival progression. For many suffering from mesothelioma, the immune system has already been compromised and checkpoint inhibitors, like KEYTRUDA®, can have little effect on strengthening the body’s own natural defenses. Researchers are investigating whether or not the immune system can be revitalized with ONCOS-102, allowing for KEYTUDA® to be effective.

After passing the initial safety concerns, it’s been recommended that clinical trials for both continue. The randomized Phase II trial is an open-label, multi-center trial for patients with unresectable malignant pleural mesothelioma. Six patients will be evaluated to compare the treatment in combination with chemotherapy. The Phase II trial will also further evaluate immune system response.

What Is ONCOS-102?

The oncolytic virus is a virus that kills cancer cells. When these cancer cells are destroyed, particles are released that destroy the remaining tumor(s). In addition to destroying the tumor, these viruses are thought to help fuel anti-tumor immune responses. ONCOS-102 is an immunotherapy that is based on engineered oncolytic viruses and targets the patient’s immune system to fight the cancer.

Targovax is a Norwegian immune-cology company that dedicates its time and resources for the development of highly targeted immunotherapy treatments for cancer patients. Many believe immunotherapy treatments are the treatments of future – working to strengthen the body’s own immune system so the body can better fight devastating cancer that normally require chemotherapy treatments, which can cause serious side effects.


Med tanke på tidligere implikasjoner rundt lever skader så er jo dette svært bra.

(Forsker uttalte tidligere i en investor presentasjon at dette kunne bli en utfordring)

Targovax announces that TG02 has passed the initial safety review in the first-in-man clinical trial in colorectal cancer

Oslo, Norway, 18 December 2017 - Targovax ASA (OSE: TRVX), a clinical stage company focused on developing immuno-oncology therapies to target solid tumors, today announces that TG02 has passed the initial planned safety review in the phase Ib clinical mechanism-of-action trial evaluating TG02, and TG02 in combination with the checkpoint inhibitor KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab), in patients with confirmed RAS-mutated colorectal cancer.

The safety review was carried out on the initial three patients enrolled in the first cohort, who are treated with TG02 as monotherapy. No issues were reported, and it has been recommended that the trial should continue. This is the first time TG02, the second generation RAS neo-antigen vaccine from the Company’s proprietary TG platform, has been administered to patients. In February, the Company published positive two-year survival data from TG01, its first generation vaccine from this platform, in resected pancreatic cancer.

Early exploratory clinical results indicate that TG02 induces immune response in patients, with high activation status of tumor-infiltrating T-cells compared to historical controls. In addition, PD-1 expression was observed in both circulating and tumor-infiltrating T-cells. This further strengthens the rationale for combining TG02 with PD-1 checkpoint blockade. Based on these initial safety and immune activation findings, the Company and investigators will discuss the appropriate timing for switching into the KEYTRUDA® combination part of the trial, and start recruiting patients into the second cohort.

Magnus Jäderberg, Chief Medical Officer of Targovax said: “This is the first time TG02 has been administered to patients, and we are very pleased that there were no issues reported in this initial safety review. The early clinical data is also encouraging, indicating immune activation in vaccinated patients in a manner that is consistent with the drugs postulated mechanism of action. We are now eager to initiate the combination trial with KEYTRUDA®, and we are hopeful that PD-1 blockade might boost the effect of TG02 vaccination.”

Trial details

This TG02 trial is a multi-site, open-label, non-randomized phase Ib exploratory trial, that will enrol approximately 20 patients with locally recurrent rectal cancer, where specific poor-prognosis mutations in the RAS gene have been confirmed (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02933944). The study consists of two cohorts of up to 10 patients each. The first cohort will receive TG02 and granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) as monotherapy, and the second cohort will in addition to this receive the PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor, KEYTRUDA®. The primary objective of the study is to assess the safety of TG02 in this setting. In addition, the impact of TG02 vaccination on systemic and local innate and adaptive immune responses of treated patients will be evaluated. The trial is currently enrolling patients at sites in Australia and New Zealand.

Ser som vanlig at sperrer blir lagt ut igjen, noen vil ha flere billige aksjer. Jeg har iallfall benyttet dagen til å fylle på. Nyheten i dag er vel den som var forventet å være minst kursdrivende i forhold til de vi venter på den nærmeste tiden. Vi er i jevnt sig oppover, helt perfekt!


Året som har gått for biotech på Oslo børs har vel heller vært labert, tror nok at 2018 kan reprise både Nano og Trvx mtp nyheter som er på trappene, dette blir spennende​:dollar::+1:


Finfin melding :grinning: Jeg håper Einarsson utdyper litt i podcasten denne uken!
Markedet reagerer med et skuldertrekk. Det skjønner jeg godt, pasientgrunnlaget for RAS-mutert colorectalkreft er tross alt bare 500’000…:roll_eyes:

Jeg slo Oslo børs i sokkene i 2016, mye takket være biotek. Dette året har ikke vert fult så bra. Men er jo noen børsdager igjen :wink:

TRVX gjør det meste riktig for tiden, men får ikke betalt for det. Tall fra Oncos i Januar og Februar vil kunne tenne en flertrinns rakett av dimensjoner.

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Der var kursen i minus og noen har satt ut en 100k Gandalf på 18,00…

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