Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

NattoPharma (NATTO)

Flott summering, ska lese på :slight_smile:

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Har du eksempler ? Og gjør ikke noe om de er svenske :wink:

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Sjur Torsheim har fortsatt å kjøpe og er oppe i 954,779 aksjer nå


Topp 20 sitter på 73.60% av aksjene.


Håper han ikke plutselig får bruk for cash! … Eller kanskje det er nettopp det jeg burde håpe på. :sweat_smile:


han eier 10% av sector alarm som omsetter for milliarder hvert år, så satser på at det ikke blir nødvendig :smile:



Ser gjerne at dere fortsetter diskusjonen her, har Natto-aksjer og kan tenke meg å høre synspunktene :slight_smile:




Hmmm, hva skal vi si om dette?
Er det for å avdramatisere innsidehandel?

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Tolker det nøytralt siden han selger til en nærstående


Et lite innsidesalg av en av de større eierne, 12 tusen aksjer i går og så bare 73 aksjer i dag.


Litt merkelig synes jeg, han har tidligere solgt noen hundre tusen aksjer til Bohan utenfor børs, på 10 tallet og høyere.


Ikke bra at en som lager K2 for firmaet selger. Han har jo god kontroll på etterspørselen. Ikke rare volumet, men når omsetningen ikke er høyere, så er det vanskelig.

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Vi får se, hvis han skal selge mye vil det så klart sette en demper på kursen på grunn av det lave volumet. Litt merkelig timing å selge nå hvis guidingen for h2 stemmer.

Under en prosent solgte han. Ikke så skremmende akkurat…?

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21/09-2017 07:30:23: (NATTO.OAX) MenaQ7® Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 to Launch at SupplySide West
NattoPharma Introducing the first and only full-spectrum Vitamin K2 that
provides MK-6, 7, 8 & 9
OSLO, NORWAY and METUCHEN, NJ (September 21, 2017) - NattoPharma further
strengthens its reputation as the most comprehensive Vitamin K2 supplier by
introducing a breakthrough unlike anything on the market: MenaQ7® Full Spectrum
K2. This latest innovation is the result of a proprietary technological
breakthrough, creating a Vitamin K2 that provides menaquinones (MK) 6, 7, 8 and
9, a range of isomers vital for cardiovascular health.

“NattoPharma has driven the creation of the Vitamin K2 market, sponsoring the
important research validating the importance of K2 for human health, and this
work has shaped the MenaQ7 brand,” says NattoPharma Chief Medical Officer Dr.
Hogne Vik. “The important epidemiological studies that led us to our ground
-breaking human clinical research used fermented cheese as the source of Vitamin
K2, which led us to create MenaQ7 Full Spectrum.”

According to researchers closely linked to these epidemiological studies1-3:
"Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays and unequivocal role in the
activation of Gla-proteins. Although all K-vitamins have the same function, they
differ in bioavailability and bioactivity.

“The Rotterdam and Prospect studies have shown that food-derived vitamin K (such
as from cheeses) improves long-term cardiovascular health outcomes because it
more specifically delivers the long-chain menaquinones MK-6, 7, 8 and 9.”

"While fermented cheeses are the best dietary source of menaquinones in the
West, most will not be able to consume enough to obtain optimal amounts of
Vitamin K2, nor is cheese a practical source for extracting the menaquinones,"
adds Dr. Vik. “To that end, NattoPharma has once again broken the mold and
offers to the market a raw material that delivers the range of menaquinones
found in foods.”

The first and only Vitamin K2 to deliver a gamut of menaquinone isomers, MenaQ7®
Full Spectrum is naturally fermented using chickpea protein, offering an all
-trans Vitamin K2 that is free from gluten, soy and all-known allergens, and is
suitable for vegans and vegetarians. MenaQ7® Full Spectrum provides the vital
menaquinone isomers MK-6, 7, 8 and 9 for optimal and maximal delivery of vitamin
K2 with respect to absorption, half-life and biological activity.

“NattoPharma has once again created a raw material that speaks directly to the
natural dietary supplement consumer, who is drawn to comprehensive nutritional
sources,” says Daniel Rosenbaum, NattoPharma CEO. “We welcome the opportunity to
meet with companies at this year’s SupplySide West to officially launch this
market-changing innovation.”

MenaQ7® Full Spectrum Vitamin K2 will be centrepiece of NattoPharma’s SupplySide
West booth P115.


1 Geleijnse JM, Vermeer C, Grobbee DE, et al. Dietary intake of menaquinone is
associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease: the Rotterdam Study. J
Nutr. 2004;134:3100-5.

2 Beulens JW, Bots ML, Atsma F, et al. High dietary menaquinone intake is
associated with reduced coronary calcification. Atherosclerosis. 2009;203:489

3 Gast GC, de Roos NM, Sluijs I, et al. A high menaquinone intake reduces the
incidence of coronary heart disease. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2009;19:504-10.


Voldsom reaksjon ned idag. Ligger det noe negativt i børsmeldingen før helgen som jeg ikke ser?

Voldsom? Det eneste jeg ser er en som hadde 20k aksjer å selge og ikke tid til å vente:



MenaQ7® PRO will only be available to the Practitioner Channel via Ortho
Molecular Products
OSLO, NORWAY and METUCHEN, NJ (October 17, 2017) - Nattopharma is pleased to
announce that it has been selected by Ortho Molecular Products, the leader in
practitioner-specific nutraceuticals, as its exclusive Vitamin K2 supplier
partner. The company will transition the seven products in its line currently
featuring Vitamin K2 to MenaQ7® PRO, a unique line extension available only to
Ortho Molecular.

For more than 25 years, Ortho Molecular Products has researched and manufactured
high-quality, efficacious nutraceuticals sold exclusively to thousands of health
care professionals nationwide and in Canada. With headquarters in Chicago, IL,
the company has FDA-audited, cGMP-certified manufacturing facilities in Stevens
Point, WI, where the company will work to transition the following products to
include NattoPharma’s MenaQ7® PRO Vitamin K2:

. Vitamin K2 with D3

. Vitamin K2 180 mcg

. Liquid Vitamin D3 with K2


. Pro Bono

. Alpha Base Capsules without Iron

. Alpha Base Capsules with Iron

“We are proud of our 25 year tradition of successfully combining evidence-based
formulations and superior raw ingredients to develop efficacious supplements
that noticeably enhance patient health,” says Aaron Bartz, President of Ortho
Molecular Products, adding that MenaQ7® was chosen based on the significant data
confirming its ability to help the body properly utilize calcium, supporting
bone health while simultaneously protecting cardiovascular health. “This
partnership with NattoPharma reinforces that commitment, allowing us to provide
the practitioner community with the best quality, clinically validated Vitamin
K2 as MK-7 available.”

“Ortho Molecular Products’ commitment to efficacy, uncompromising manufacturing
and legendary customer service has established the company as a leader in the
nutrition industry,” says Dan Rosenbaum, NattoPharma CEO. "NattoPharma is
honored that this discerning brand recognizes that we are the leader in Vitamin
K2 research and development, and that our MenaQ7 Vitamin K2 as MK-7 will allow
their practitioner partners to deliver the best possible results for their

“We believe we earned the attention of Ortho Molecular Products - and ultimately
were selected as a partner - because NattoPharma has been driving the scientific
discovery behind the benefits of Vitamin K2,” adds Rosenbaum. “We could not be
happier to have Ortho Molecular Products, with its demonstrated years of
excellence providing only the best ingredients available, join the NattoPharma
family. And we were excited to make available a line extension with MenaQ7 PRO
that would speak clearly to the practitioner market.”

The reformulated Ortho Molecular Products will be available in 2018.


O HEI, hvor det går! Lurer litt på hva slags meldinger som skal til for å få litt fart i denne.
Markedet reagerer stort sett med et stort sukk og sender den ned på positive meldinger. Nå ikke et sukk en gang. :roll_eyes:


Meldinger av typen: “Nå har vi levert veksten vi lovet og har positiv EAT” er vel det som skal til for at denne skal kunne få litt moment. Det er jo avtaler som dette som må på plass for at de skal kunne få den veksten, men hvor lang tid vil det ta før denne avtalen evt gir noe utslag?


Aksjen har blitt omsatt for 8-9 kr i det siste, også får vi denne meldingen:


New strategic shareholder

Synergia Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd, based in India, a long-time partner and
supplier of NattoPharma, has expressed interest to become a significant
shareholder in NattoPharma, by investing MNOK 7,0 directly in the company.

Through discussions with the Board, the negotiated share price for a transaction
is NOK 12,50. After the completion of a private placement of 560 000 new shares,
Synergia will be a 3,1% shareholder and the 7th largest. To facilitate and
execute this transaction, the board will invite the shareholders to an
extraordinary general assembly, since existing Board authorization does not
fully cover a private placement against external investors. Main shareholders
representing more than 40% of the shares are consulted and will vote for this
transaction. The invitation to the extraordinary general assembly will be
communicated in a separate release.

Feilpriset much? :smiley: