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The Kingfish Company

Nok en positiv business update! KING leverer :ok_hand:

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Likte ikke at det ble så høyt volum og lavere kurs🤔

Spørs om det er en som brukte en god nyhet på å selge seg ut. Jeg brukte anledningen til å kjøpe litt mer. Mulig makro vil dra den litt lenger ned, men tror det liten nedside igjen om alt går etter planen(noe dagens nyhet støtter).

Ja det kan nok stemme. Alt synes å gå etter planen synd at vi ikke får et lite løft.
Får bare fortsette å være tålmodig🤞

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Økte også i dag kjøpte 3000 på 12,05,men ble litt skuffet i slutten av dagen kjøperne forsvant helt, kan det være så galt att vi skal helt ned til emisjons kursen? Ingenting forundrer meg med denne aksjen den faller å faller selv om det meste går riktig vei. Jeg kommer til å kjøpe mer om den faller videre.

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King leverer videre:
The Kingfish Company [Euronext: KING] announces the town of Jonesport, Maine has approved Kingfish Maine’s building permit application. With the Kingfish Maine project fully permitted by state and federal regulatory agencies, this local building permit is the final step required for Kingfish to begin pre-construction design and engineering on its new facility in the U.S.

The town of Jonesport is now drafting its findings of fact and the Planning Board is expected to formally adopt and sign the building permit in early November.

Kingfish Maine is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Kingfish Company and will deploy the same advanced technology and operational excellence proven in the Netherlands. Once the Jonesport facility is fully operational, Kingfish Maine will be the largest producer of Yellowtail Kingfish in the U.S. and will provide local sustainable seafood for North American retailers and food service providers.

"With the final approval of our Jonesport building permit, we look forward to replicating our EU success in the U.S. with local production of high value Yellowtail,” said Ohad Maiman, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Kingfish Company. “The Jonesport community has supported our project from day one and our commitment to the town has never wavered. We value our continuing partnership with the town as we build out our sustainable land-based technology in the U.S.”
Spørsmålet er når mulighetene i denne aksjen blir allmenn kunnskap…

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Liten snutt om Kingfish Company her👍

King fortsetter i samme gode takt som tidligere. Alt går etter planen både i Nederland og USA. Mer en dobling i produksjon fra q1-23. Spørsmålet er når denne aksjen skal reprises?

Ny børsmelding: The Kingfish Company [Euronext: KING] announces the town of Jonesport, Maine has finalized Kingfish Maine’s building permit application, the final step required
for pre-construction design and engineering for the Kingfish Company’s new U.S.

In October, the Jonesport Planning Board gave initial approval to Kingfish’s
local building permit. The permit conditions were formally approved and adopted
in a final meeting this week. Kingfish Maine is now fully permitted by local,
state and federal regulatory agencies.

Kingfish Maine is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Kingfish Company and will
deploy the same advanced technology and operational excellence proven in the
Netherlands. Once the Jonesport facility is fully operational, Kingfish Maine
will be the largest producer of Yellowtail Kingfish in the U.S. and will provide
local sustainable seafood for North American retailers and food service

“From the introduction of our project to the town three years ago to the final
building permit approval this week, we have received overwhelming support from
Jonesport residents,” said Ohad Maiman, Founder of the Kingfish Company. “We are
excited for what the future holds in Maine - bringing our sustainable land-based
technology to the U.S., in a community where we can partner for growth.”

Read more on the Jonesport Maine Planning Board October 2022 decision at

Omsetning idag😊

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The Kingfish Company – Mandatory notification of trading by primary insiders

Selge aksjer for å delta i emisjon i samme selskap? Vil emisjonskursen være lavere enn salgskursen på 10 kr/aksje?

Sannsynligvis på 8,4kr som den rettede emisjonen tidligere i høst var på.

Ellers ruller selskapet videre med planene sine. Meget solid :+1: Viktig å se forskjell på krise-emisjon og den emisjonen vi ser her i King. Selskapet går i pluss, men de trenger kapital til store utvidelser i Holland og USA.

Om dette er reparasjon for 20.oktober så var transje 2 der 8.41 per aksje.
Det er vel uansett bare fordi han kan kjøpe seg billigere inn igjen at det gir mening å selge for å finansiere kjøp i samme selskap.

Joda, operasjonelt er jo dette en drøm i forhold til f.eks. Atlantic Sapphire.

Veldrevet firma tyder alt på, og håper vi er nå på bunnen snart.
God jul😅

Jeg vil tro bunnen nås og trenden snur når de faktisk tjener penger. Dette er ikke et bra marked for fremtidscase, uansett hvor gode langtidsprospektene er.

The Kingfish Company N.V.: Approval and publication of Prospectus

New CEO for The Kingfish Company

The Kingfish Company: Start of subscription period in Subsequent Offering